Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome to Melbourne!


Sorry we haven't posted in a few days!  All is well we just could not figure out how to set up the wifi on your laptops until class started, which was Monday.

We arrived in Melbourne on Saturday January 4 and were picked up at the airport and taken to our apartment complex on the Deakin University campus in Burwood.  We got to meet our roommates, Christine and Patrick.  We have a fifth roommate, Nicholas, but his flight was delayed and he hasn't arrived yet.  We had a barbecue where we met other students in our program and our Deakin "buddies".  Although we are pretty well adjusted to the time, the rest of the students in our program had just arrived and everyone called it an early night due to jet lag.

On Sunday Kendall and I and about 10 others from our group took the tram in to the Melbourne city center.  We walked around and ran into some familiar faces which we tell you about in our vlog.  The rest of our group wanted to go to the SkyDeck to see the view of the city, but Kendall and I opted to hang out at a bar on the river.  After that we all walked around more, grabbed a bite to eat and then left the city just in time before a rainstorm hit.  The rain wasn't much fun but we did capture this picture of a rainbow from our apartment window!

Sunday night we had another barbeque to welcome anyone who had arrived that day and we got to meet a fellow ADPi from Western Kentucky University!  That night we hopped in cabs to a nearby bar the Geebung Polo Lounge and had a really fun time!

Monday was our first day of class and we got our student accounts set up and got our student IDs.  Monday night was our orientation dinner at Riverside in the city.  We all went out afterwards to an outdoor bar on the water and then headed home.  

It's Tuesday now and were about to start another day of classes.  We were behind in blogging and editing videos because of wifi. We took a ton of photos and videos Monday night so we'll probably have another post & video tomorrow.  In the meantime, be sure to check out our video where we tour our apartment, the trails around Deakin, and the city!  

We've had kind of crappy weather these past 3 days but starting tomorrow it looks like it is going to be getting pretty hot!


P.S. Here are some pictures from the last few days:

In the city!

Our table at the orientation dinner

We hung out at a bar on the river instead of going to the SkyDeck

Orientation dinner

Monday night with Zach & Declan!

Kendall posing with her beer haha

A big group of us at lunch

Kendall's artsy tram pic

the city!

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